Forecasts on crop pests and diseases in China in 2021

Publish time: 7th February, 2022      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us
In recent years, although the rising trend of the occurrence of pests, diseases, weeds and rodents has slowed down in China, the situation remained very serious. According to the National Agro-tech Extension and Service Centre (NATESC), the average annual occurrence area of pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in 2011–2021 was 445.95 million ha, thereinto, it was between 400 million ha and 447 million ha in 2016–2021 collectively, with the average annual occurrence area of 419.15 ha, down by 11.53% compared with 2011–2015.

After comprehensive analysis of previous occurrence of pests and diseases, crop distribution, planting methods, climatic trend and other factors, it is predicted that major pests and diseases will occur heavily in China in 2022 on main crops such as wheat, rice, corn, potato, etc., with a nationwide occurrence area of 135.13 million ha. The occurrence will pose threats on approximately 70% of the growing areas of food crops.

In addition, wheat scab will hit hard on the wheat-growing regions such as the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River, Jiang-Huai Region and the southern part of the Huang-Huai Region. Brown planthoppert will affect an area of 10.67 million ha across the country and occur heavily in the rice-growing regions. It is expected that Loxostege sticticalis will occur heavily in parts of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (representing 60% of the total occurrence area) and its surrounding areas.

In this report, CCM will provide the overview of occurrence, control and yield loss of crops resulted by pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in 2011-2021, as well as forecasts on the occurrence of pests and diseases in China in 2022 from the following aspects:
√ Wheat
√ Rice
√ Corn




  Main contents:

        No.                Content                
        Executive summary                
        1                Overview                
        1.1                Occurrence, control and yield loss of crops resulted by pests, diseases, weeds and rodents, 2011-2021                
        2                Situation of pests and diseases on three major crops in China, 2016-2021                
        2.1                Review on control of crops resulted by pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in China in 2021                
        2.2                Occurrence of pests and diseases on three major crops in China, 2016-2021                
        3                Forecasts on pests and diseases of major crops in China in 2022                
        3.1                Forecasts of major pests and diseases on wheat in China in 2022                
        3.2                Forecasts of major pests and diseases on rice in China in 2022                
        3.3                Forecasts of major pests and diseases on corn in China in 2022                
        3.4                Forecasts of other pests and diseases in China in 2022                
        4                Forecasts on pesticide demand situation in China in 2022                
        4.1                Prediction of overall demand on herbicides                
        4.2                Prediction of overall demand on insecticides and acaricides                
        4.3                Prediction of overall demand on fungicides       




  List of tables:

        Table No.                Table Title       
        Table 1.1-1                Occurrence area, control area and yield loss of crops resulted from pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in China, 2011-2021       
        Table 2.2-1                Occurrence area, control area and yield loss of wheat pests and diseases in China, 2016-2021       
        Table 2.2-2                Occurrence area, control area and yield loss of rice pests and diseases in China, 2016-2021       
        Table 2.2-3                Occurrence area, control area and yield loss of corn pests and diseases in China, 2016-2021       
        Table 3.1-1                Forecasts on occurrence area of wheat pest and diseases in China, 2018–2022       
        Table 3.2-1                Forecasts on occurrence area of rice pests and disease in China, 2018–2022       
        Table 3.3-1                Forecasts on occurrence area of corn pests and disease in China, 2018–2022       
        Table 4.1-1                Herbicides on increased demand by volume (>2,000 tonnes, converted into 100% AI).       
        Table 4.1-2                Emerging herbicides and their advantages       
        Table 4.2-1                Insecticides on increased demand       
        Table 4.2-2                Insecticides on declined demand       
        Table 4.2-3                Acaricides on increased demand       
        Table 4.3-1                Fungicides on large demand       
        Table 4.3-2                Fungicides on increased demand (over 10% compared with 2021) by volume       



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